Top 5 Content Marketing Trends to watch out for in 2022

Category: Artificial Intelligence, Business, Data Management, Organisation, Others, SEO, Technology

“You need to create ridiculously good content – content that is useful, enjoyable and inspired.”- Ann Handley

Content Marketing plays a pivotal role in connecting with customers and earning their trust by providing meaningful information about the product offerings. Customers would review the content and make their buying decisions based on the value and merit of the content which is available for consumption. Businesses are trying to woo the customers by adopting different strategies that can increase their wallet share significantly. Let’s look at some of the key content marketing trends which are creating a buzz by capturing the attention of the customers in the digital space.

In order to build a successful customer journey, businesses need to build a healthy business model. Achieving customer success would involve a series of steps ranging from customer development, acquisition, client onboarding, engagement and retention. The Content Marketing team needs to understand the criticality of customer retention which is imperative for building long term customer relationships and driving sales growth. Keeping the website abreast with latest information about the products and services would help in enhancing customer experience. Engaging with customers through newsletters, providing up to date information on promos, product launches and any discounts offered would attract even the detractors that could result in better conversion rates.

Leverage on emerging trends like augmented reality for driving better sales volumes and enhancing the brand value. Prospective customers would want to try the products before they make the decision to buy them. Augmented reality provides an engaging shopping experience for customers through interactive features that helps in identifying the customer needs and engaging with customers for providing a unique personalized experience.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the content marketing landscape in the era of content overload. Customers can now interact freely with BOTs in the websites for getting the required information. BOTs have the ability to converse and have real-life chats with customers and provide the information within a short span of time. With the help of AI, content marketers would be able to understand and track customer behavior by building custom models through predictive analytics. Digital marketing strategists can now create relevant personalized content that can add value to the customers.

Podcasting is yet another content marketing strategy that has become immensely popular thanks to its outreach and client coverage. Podcast is an invaluable marketing channel capable of delivering series of audio content at regular intervals with adequate information for the target audience. Due to the enhanced connection and deeper penetration, Podcasts have turned out to be an effective content marketing tool with a human touch. It can be collaborated with social media and can complement blog content in the form of audio messages.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the new age mantra for enhancing the value of content marketing. SEO would help in increasing the visibility of content by driving more traffic to the business website. It primarily deals with On-page and Off-page factors. On-page factors broadly cover optimization techniques like Title tag, Meta description, Headings, URL and Page content that can impact search engine rankings. Some of the Off-page factors include Backlinks, Brand Mentions, Social Shares and Domain Authority which are actions taken outside the website which may not be easily controllable. SEO provides the technical flavor in Content Marketing for achieving loyalty and trust in customer journey.


We at Newlineinfo Corp are focused on new age digital marketing strategies through sustained SEO efforts for out-serving our customers and achieving profitability.

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