Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Society

Category: Artificial Intelligence, Business, Machine Learning

“Artificial intelligence would be the ultimate version of Google. The ultimate search engine that would understand everything on the web. It would understand exactly what you wanted, and it would give you the right thing. We’re nowhere near doing that now. However, we can get incrementally closer to that, and that is basically what we work on.” – Larry Page

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has far reaching capabilities to address the challenges faced by society. Governments and regulatory bodies need to look at the benefits that can be derived from AI and put them to optimal utilization for achieving the desired results. The strategies deployed would be applicable not only for emerging countries but also for advanced nations of the world. Let’s look at some of the ways by which AI can be applied to different walks of life for creating a positive impact on society.

The evolution of Artificial Intelligence has fueled economic growth and innovation through digital empowerment. Businesses across the world need to motivate and equip their staff with future proofing skills like automation, machine learning and data analytics. This would help in fostering a culture of technical and financial inclusion and reduce the digital divide among nations. Policy makers, researchers, business leaders need to collaborate with each other for inclusive growth and development of new products and business models which can result in development of human capital and reduction of costs through automation.

Natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, cyclones could result in loss of lives, environmental damage and disruption to social and economic activities. AI helps in preparedness measures for planning and execution of crisis management by capturing and analyzing large amounts of satellite images within a short span of time. It can also support emergency response teams by modelling disaster zones for providing timely travel advisories, and mobilizing resources for finding citizens. Flood forecasting alerts can be shared in the regions which are impacted through inundation models and machine learning supplanting the traditional methods of manual forecasts.

Climate change is one of the major challenges faced by planet earth. AI helps to mitigate the impact of climate change by developing predictive models for environmental monitoring. It helps homeowners for designing energy efficient buildings and optimization of renewable energy. It helps in climate modelling by monitoring the rise in sea levels and ice sheets. Deforestation, climate change and usage of chemicals and fertilizers have a serious impact on the degradation of topsoil. Conservation of soil is extremely critical for preservation of farmable lands. AI helps in monitoring soil erosion and keeping the soil health at check with the help of complex algorithms and drones. It can help prevent illegal logging and catch wildlife poaching for building sustainable biodiversity and ecosystem.

The enhanced monitoring and diagnostic features of AI is a game changer in the field of healthcare. It helps in detecting diseases at an early stage for prescribing personalized treatment plans and drug protocols. It enables free flow of information electronically across medical facilities which helps in enhanced efficiency by reducing time delays. AI helps in identifying cancer, heart diseases and supports in delivering critical healthcare needs for patients suffering from trauma. It provides high end affordable healthcare through digitization and remote solutions.


We at Newlineinfo Corp have a dedicated team of highly skilled AI professionals capable of harnessing the power of AI for delivering scalable solutions that can build a better society.

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