An Insight Into Planning a Successful Website Design

Category: Web Design

Design is not for philosophy it’s for life.
–Issey Miyake

Millions of websites are being built online every day. So what separates normal sites from highly successful sites? Newlineinfo, a professional web design and development company, will guarantee that your site is built efficiently, fulfills the purpose, and offers value to your target audience. Here are a few steps that are followed to plan a successful website.

Sitemap Creation

Right after the kick-off meeting and the competitor analysis, we try to identify the purpose of the website and the priorities. With the user flow and the conversion plan in mind, we create a sitemap. A sitemap is the first visualization of the content that will be included on a website, and how it will be organized. At this step, the user personas need to be identified and we start thinking what the user might look for in the web page. This will allow us to create a theoretical user flow in order to design the other sections of the website to create an ideal user experience.


The next step after sitemap for a website is to create a plan to

  • Engage users with relevant content,
  • Facilitate conversion with a compelling call to action,
  • Make the conversion process easy, and
  • Follow up.

To create focus and guide the customer through your website to lead to conversion, we create an effective customer acquisition funnel. This converts your website into a business tool to drive results. We understand that good design is not just a pretty picture but one that yields results.


Content helps our clients connect with their end users. Having a clear sitemap is the backbone to creating the right type of content for your website that yields positive results. Depending on the sitemap, page title, keywords you wish to target, headlines, and body copy, the created content should be easy for the users to comprehend quickly. We create an easily digestible content using smaller paragraphs, incorporating icons and images in the copy. If required, we hire professional copywriters who can create copy that is optimized for search engines, engaging and grammatically correct.

Heading Tags

Heading tags gives you an insight of what the page content is about. Search engines require authors to use proper headings in order to improve the user experience. Each page will have only one H1 tag that denotes the main topic of your page.


After the content is developed, it is time to organize them using wireframes so that it makes sense to the user. Wireframes make it easier for you to plan the layout of the website according to how you want your user to process the information. Responsive web design has necessitated that wireframes become less concrete and a little more flexible. The goal of wireframing is to establish an order for the presentation of content that includes headlines, paragraphs, callouts and sidebars. We decide on what type of information should appear and where the focus of the user should fall on the web page. Though clients may feel that the wireframes are unnecessary, it serve as a bridge to ensure smooth transition from content to design that give results.


We comprehend that the design phase is the most important in website planning. It helps you decide where elements need to be placed for maximum effect. Typically, every designer has a different workflow and style, you have to find what suits you the best. A pattern library – collection of design patterns that feature in our interface, may be used to select the right designs for websites and avoid repetition for our future designs. With the establishment of the pattern library, Newlineinfo was able to achieve a remarkable difference in the consistency of delivering good efficient designs to our clients. It is also important to know that consistency builds trust and improves usability. The efficiency benefit of maintaining a pattern library is that it helps to easily adjust elements and update styles.

It is incredibly important to remember, successful websites do not need to take a lot of time to build if you follow these five crucial steps to provide value to your users.

For more information, visit our website Newlineinfo, or contact us at 301.760.7366.

The Key Elements of Website Design

Category: Web Design

I happened to read a very good article written by Barry Adams about making websites. A website must possess elements that are both attractive and functional. Generally, a website is designed and it’s pages featuring the text and images are structured in a logical way. The content management system of the website allows the owner to add or change content. These are the bare minimum requirements for a website, but it does not stop here, the key elements for a good website design are listed below:

Responsive website

Owing to the rise in the number of the smartphone users, people prefer to do shopping on their smartphones, on-the-go. This makes it vital for developers to design a responsive website that works good across the devices like smartphones, tablets, laptop, and desktop, irrespective of their screen sizes.

Page Speed

No matter how attractive the website is, the page speed is critical to its success. The faster load times help boost your search engine rankings thereby improving your conversion rates.

Web Analytics

Studying web analytics is indispensable as it features the impact of a website on its users. Analytics provide you with the number of conversions and the conversion rate for your website to evaluate the effectiveness of your online business and marketing campaigns.


Your website must possess on-page SEO tags and elements, including schema and XML sitemaps that will increase the number of visitors to your website and help in obtaining a high-ranking placement in the search results page.

Conversion Optimization

It helps owners to create landing pages for the specific campaigns that would help in the conversion of the visitors to your website into leads.

Content Management System (CMS)

A good content management system enables owners to upload, edit, and manage content displayed on the website. The developers need to make sure that they integrate a good CMS with the website they develop.

Social Media

Integrating social media channels with your website work seamlessly to promote your brand and result in the sales.


It is important to carry out the basic security checks for your website in order to prevent data loss, disrupt access, or compromise website credentials.

The web developers in Newlineinfo make the biggest difference by incorporating these elements and create responsive websites.

For more information, visit our website Newlineinfo, or contact us at 301.760.7366.