Emerging Tech Trends in 2022

Category: Artificial Intelligence, Business, Data Management, Deep Learning, Technology

“Globalization was a deep trend pushed by technology and right ideas, as much as anything else” – Jeffrey Sachs

Businesses across the globe are constantly reinventing themselves to look beyond the obvious and identify opportunities that can reshape their modus operandi for enhancing their growth and performance. The business leaders need to fit themselves out for building a sustainable business and ensure distributional equity and resilience. Let’s look at some of the key emerging trends that can turbo charge the future with the latest developments in the technological space.

The onslaught of digital revolution has made the world more interconnected than ever before. In order to cope with this change, companies are fast embracing hyperscale cloud computing methodology thanks to the wide range of benefits that it offers. Hyperscale marks the advent of new age digital computing by enhancing the power of IT systems with augmented server capacity. It helps in balancing the workload across different servers and improves the cooling efficiency resulting in optimizing costs and operational expenses. Hyperscale can operate with minimal supervision and hence easy to manage with limited number of resources. It helps in minimizing the system downtime and preventing loss of client data which could result in breach of regulatory guidelines.

The use of general cloud technology has a few shortcomings and new age businesses are constantly on the look-out for mature solutions that can meet the demands of the industry. Industry Clouds are tailored to the needs of the specific industries through vertical integration. It helps in providing standard configurations and building a deeper connection with the customers. It addresses the challenges posed due to systemic risks like security protocols and regulatory requirements. It helps in delivering customized client centric solutions by trimming down redundant costs through focused spending. The genesis of industry specific cloud is an organic progression of cloud computing that augurs well for the customized needs of the industry.

Quantum computing is the one the fast emerging technologies that helps to provide valuable solutions for some of the challenges faced today. It works on the principles of quantum mechanics and has great potential to deliver superior results in the field of financial services, pharmaceuticals and transportation. It is expected to bring about a sea change in our society thanks to its ability to solve complex problems in which traditional computers are laggards. However cryptologists reckon that Quantum computing could break the current encryption standards resulting in data leakage and loss of confidential information. Quantum safe algorithms need to be developed to ensure that cryptographic standards are met adequately.

Metaverse is a universe of virtual reality that mimics the physical world through digital simulation. It uses the concepts of virtual and augmented reality along with blockchain technology for enhancing user experience. It provides a virtual environment for people to simulate their activities in their daily lives. Large industries can leverage on its capabilities to test digital samples of their machines before delving into real life activities resulting in workforce optimization and cost savings. It is set to change the dynamics of digital marketing wherein brands would need to adapt quickly to this new reality to retain their competitive advantage. Metaverse could result in major technological disruptions that can have a far reaching impact on growth, product infrastructure and business practices.


We at Newlineinfo Corp are focused on future proofing ourselves with emerging trends in the digital landscape by consistently looking for opportunities for innovation and delivering excellence.

Nila Bags – Empowering Women

Category: Branding

There is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women.
– Kofi Annan, Former secretary General of the UN

How are NILA bags special? How does NILA bags empower women?

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There is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women.
– Kofi Annan, Former secretary General of the UN
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How are NILA bags special? How does NILA bags empower women?

Amidst the economic crisis, women face many social challenges to secure a living or to provide for their children. Nila Bags provide job opportunities to empower these women and help them to create a sustainable living. They needed a website to showcase their products and their social work. Newlineinfo tailored a website that talks about their products and their story of woman empowerment to reach a greater audience.

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The LookBook on the website features the various holiday series and vintage series of handbags, that attracts the customers and is very user-friendly. Customers can easily choose across the variety of fabulously crafted handbags. The website features the art, beauty, and excellent craftsmanship of the handbags in a very elegant manner. The visuals are amazingly appealing, inviting customers to own a Nila bag for its beauty and elegance.

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The website also accommodates the information on the leather care for the handcrafted Nila Bags. Newlineinfo has shaped a responsive website to be mobile friendly for its users. The website features all the winning aspects to make Nila Bags grow exponentially and garner success.

Nila bags make you look good and feel good…
For more information, visit our website Newlineinfo, or contact us at 301.760.7366.

ValueHow does NILA bags empower women?
Valuenila bags branding, branding for startups
ValueNila Bags &#8211; Empowering Women

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Amidst the economic crisis, women face many social challenges to secure a living or to provide for their children. Nila Bags provide job opportunities to empower these women and help them to create a sustainable living. They needed a website to showcase their products and their social work. Newlineinfo tailored a website that talks about their products and their story of woman empowerment to reach a greater audience.

The LookBook on the website features the various holiday series and vintage series of handbags, that attracts the customers and is very user-friendly. Customers can easily choose across the variety of fabulously crafted handbags. The website features the art, beauty, and excellent craftsmanship of the handbags in a very elegant manner. The visuals are amazingly appealing, inviting customers to own a Nila bag for its beauty and elegance.

The website also accommodates the information on the leather care for the handcrafted Nila Bags. Newlineinfo has shaped a responsive website to be mobile friendly for its users. The website features all the winning aspects to make Nila Bags grow exponentially and garner success.

Nila bags make you look good and feel good…
For more information, visit our website Newlineinfo, or contact us at 301.760.7366.

From Envision to Implementation; Aspects of Business Every Entrepreneur Should know

Category: Business

Entrepreneurs breathe life into new ideas, whether an extraordinary product or innovative service. Yet, many do not succeed in bringing these ideas to the mass consumer. The primary reason, is failure to motivate the right investors necessary to evolve those ideas into endeavors. Successful businesses derive from the right presentation of these products and services, in a fashion that will motivate investors to share in their vision. That motivation can only be achieved through the proper marketing of one’s business to the right people, having a plan of action in place to take an idea to the next level. But what type of strategy is required to achieve this goal? What tools must the successful entrepreneur possess in order to implement their strategy? It is not the idea itself that will bring the right investors to your business. The key lies in how that idea is presented.

Whether the idea is in its infancy, or an established business looking for the final piece to solidify its success, generation of a commanding marketing and branding strategy will assist in the primary goal of attracting investors. There are several vital aspects to this strategy that must be in place and effectively managed in order to achieve business goals:

  • Branding- set your company, and product, apart from competitors. Send a clear message to investors and create memorable visualization of your product or service.
  • Marketing Strategy- powerful presentation of your idea through a variety of tools, including visuals.
  • Product presentation- utilizing high quality methods for the exhibition of new products in a manner that will motivate investors.

The result will be, landing the right investors to take an idea to new levels and bring a product or service to the industry’s consumer.

Entrepreneurs that trust these strategies into the hands of those who know the most effective methods for presentation, find that they achieve this goal with greater proficiency. Newlineinfo specializes in creating this strategy, utilizing the latest technologies and tools when assisting entrepreneurs in achieving the necessary investors. The first plan of action for your businesses will be the creation of an effective brand and marketing strategy. This is done through assessment of ideas and the latest in effective techniques. Once this has been achieved successfully, such tools as UI/UX user interfaces, graphics and web design services as well as high quality visuals will be applied in a manner that will attract the desirable investors to the business. In addition, the management of such tools as website design, including management of content and search engine optimization are essential for ongoing success. Newlineinfo continues to assure, through research and diligence, that entrepreneurs are receiving only the most up-to-date technologies for their product. Engaging the expertise of Newlineinfo will assist your business in the compelling presentation of a product or service, in a fashion that achieves the ultimate goal of motivating investors, so that you may continue to grow your idea with gusto.

Brand Marketing Increases Consumer Awareness: A Win/Win Business Tool

Category: Branding

What is Branding?

Businesses globally utilize branding as a means of providing their consumer market with an identifiable name, term or visual feature, such as a logo. Companies maneuver this branding tool within everyday business, as well as marketing and advertising. Once the company has established a brand, it can be employed for a variety of printed marketing such as flyers, business cards and letterhead. In addition, branding is wielded in multiple forms of online marketing and advertising such as websites, blogs and even social media. This is, of course, in addition to use within actual products and services to assure that the consumer will associate the branding with high quality business in the future, known as “Brand Awareness”. Branding does not typically contain a single layer, but rather multiple elements uses cooperatively to speak out for a company. Brand Elements can include:

  • Names, a word or multiple words
  • Logos
  • Tagline or catchphrase
  • Graphics, shapes, colors
  • Sounds, scents, tastes
  • Movements

“A Brand refers to a term, name or visual design such as a logo, which distinguishes the company from competitors and allows for future recognition by the consumer.”

The key to brand expression is to assure the consumer obtains an ability to recognize the company and its products whenever the brand, or logo appears in marketing. For example, a company that gains a reputation for serving high quality meals or products will find that consumers not only associate their logo with that industry, but as one of the top quality producers within in. This is referred to as brand awareness, and if implemented effectively, it can assist companies in the form of increased customer base, increased revenue and draw in new consumers through the reputation associated with that particular brand. Brand awareness also helps to simplify shopping for the average consumer. Imagine a world without the use of brand expression and awareness. How would a consumer distinguish Kellogg as a type of breakfast cereal in advertisements unless a box of cereal was present in every piece of marketing material produced? Successful companies also aim for what is called “top-of-mind” awareness in order to assure marketing accomplishes its goals. Top-of-mind branding’s primary goal is to assure that the particular company’s products or services are the first to “pop” into a customer’s mind for that particular industry.

“Top-Of-Mind Brand Awareness is the art of assuring consumers think to a specific companies products and services first whenever considering utilization of that particular industry.”

The art of brand awareness is often produced in consumer society without the direct awareness of the consumer. For example, Remax real-estate has long been recognized by the white, red and blue hot air balloon used as its form of brand expression. Once developed, this signature hot air balloon was placed strategically on everything from the company offices and billboards to “for sale” signs placed in front of homes. Many consumers, even if they have not purchased a home or used their services, can identify Remax as a real-estate company simply by the site of their logo. Graphics, such as photos or still art, including the use of cartoon figures, are utilized by multiple successful companies across all industries. Cartoon logos are utilized by such world-famous companies as Disney, Michelin Tires, film production company Pixar and just about every single fast food chain in existence. While the use of a cartoon logo may not be appropriate for every business type or industry, many other forms of visual graphics can enhance brand awareness.

Newlineinfo’s experienced staff have produced many successful examples of proper brand expression with a series of client work throughout its time in the industry. We understand the subtle and yet imperative aspects of an effective branding, one that will increase consumer brand awareness of the specific company’s product or services. One such shining example was in the work completed for Huntbox, a popular company offering a variety of hunting accessories. Originally this logo featured the single antler, set with a blackened border. Though it possessed the simplicity of a proper logo, it was not identifiable to the particular company. Newlineinfo utilized its creative team to recreate a complete brand image that was simple, and yet would serve to make the company more recognizable within its industry. Since its initial development, Newlineinfo has successfully assisted companies from a variety of industries in the creation of effective brand expression and related products.

Through creative planning and meticulous preparation, Newlineinfo combines high-quality graphics and content to create a brand expression that will assist businesses in achieving the goals of reaching out to consumers and generation of top-of-mind marketing. From this new brand expression, business can continue to exceed company goal expectations of increased consumer traffic and awareness, increased sales and generating new consumers as well. We work with clients’ ideas and visions for their company to design a series of effective services to meet their specific needs including:

  • Brand Assessment: We will work with the client to assess the company’s specific needs and goals
  • Company Name Development and Logo Design
  • Assist the client with a brand strategy
  • Create taglines and banners
  • Effectively and accurately portray products and services
  • Generate Web Content Strategies
  • Brand Marketing

The key to marketing success is in the implementation of a well-designed brand expression in combination with a strategically generated brand and advertising strategy to utilize this new branding. New companies just beginning their careers in the market will benefit from solid brand expression that will allow for increased consumer awareness of their high quality products or services, as well as associate the business with its proper industry. Further developed corporations can also benefit from the professional brand expression services whenever searching for a fresh, new look to increase current consumer sales or when expanding a line to increase awareness of new products. Regardless of the specific goals, every company can benefit from the use of a well-designed brand expression and should trust a company, such as Newlineinfo to utilize its experience for the aim of reaching those goals.