VR set to transform Learning on the Job?

Category: Business, IT staffing and consulting, Mobile

“Productivity depends on many factors, including our workforce’s knowledge and skills and the quantity and quality of the capital, technology, and infrastructure that they have to work with.”-  Janet Yellen

Businesses have realised the importance of Virtual Reality and the benefits derived from carrying out learning and development of their staff by leveraging on its far-reaching benefits and advantages. VR provides for simulated learning scenarios enabled through usage of mobile telephony, standalone headset and desktops using high end computer devices.

Virtual Reality has become a game changer for companies to engage staff and boost productivity levels through responsive learning and continuous improvement. New technologies like eye tracking software, biometrics and brainwave monitoring have enabled companies to closely monitor the progress of employees and institutionalise scalable modern training methodologies aided by VR for better knowledge retention and enhanced employee engagement at a reduced cost.

Soft skills like public speaking, negotiation, selling and networking hardly find a place in the education system and these enterprise skills are high in demand for jobs requiring client interaction and decision making. VR helps in upskilling the workforce through Integrated learning with traditional methods and provides a platform for learning via simulated environments. VR has made remote learning possible eliminating the need for in-person training without compromising on interpersonal connection. Managers can monitor the performance of employees online and provide developmental feedback to their employees for improvement.

VR helps in simulating spaced repetitions of random workplace scenarios that reduces the employee learning curve significantly. This helps in getting the employees future ready with the necessary skill sets that are transferable and sensitising them in potential real life scenarios with the help of effective learning experience.

VR also helps in identifying talent and reducing the time taken to on board new candidates through smarter recruitments. When a large number of candidates need to be interviewed. VR enables online interaction and helps in assessing the aptitudes and skill levels of the candidates precisely to identify the right candidate within a shorter span of time. VR provides greater flexibility and attracts the talent across the globe through new recruitment strategies like taking a virtual reality tour of the workplace, immersive on the job Virtual Reality job experience, fun filled onboarding process. 

VR technology will also aid the employees interact with their sales prospects and customers effectively across multiple geographies by collaborating them in different time zones that helps in delivering better results. Experiential learning through VR can help employees achieve greater success in customer service through cross selling customisation and product simulation.


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