Overcoming Challenges in Returning Back to Work

Category: Business, Organisation, Team Management, Technology, Work From Home, Work from Office

“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity” – Sun Tzu

The Covid Pandemic brought major disruptions in the way businesses carried out their operations. Organizations handled this metamorphosis by adopting new ways of working which allowed employees to work from remote locations through a hybrid working model. Now that the business leaders want their employees to return back to their workplace, they are facing some amount of resistance from their workforce which could put businesses at risk on account of lower productivity and rise in turnover. Let’s look at some of the ways by which a leadership team can mitigate these challenges through enhanced employee engagement and collaboration.

It’s imperative to engage and connect deeply with employees by fostering positive workplace culture through employee newsletters. Understanding employee concerns and resolving any unfounded fears and anxieties about returning back to work would go a long way in instilling faith and confidence amongst the workforce. Use employee communication apps to establish and deepen connections with team members. Leverage on RSVP alerts to send notifications about important meetings and gatherings. Reward and recognize performers for their achievements and celebrate special occasions like birthdays, anniversaries with animations.

The leadership team needs to play a key role in managing change and handle this critical phase of transition tactfully. Conduct Online surveys to identify any challenges faced by employees. This would help in keeping a tab on employee sentiments and understand their mindsets and behaviors. Reinforce faith and restore employee confidence by driving key leadership messages through digital signage. Drive key messages about change through multi channel messaging and assess employee understanding of changes with quizzes and online questionnaires. Make use of remote collaboration tools like video conferencing and zoom to strengthen communication capabilities across the teams.

Another important concern which needs to be addressed is to ensure employee safety standards. Ensure that the employees who are required to return back to work are vaccinated to de-risk the workplace environment. Leaders can make use of technology driven contact tracing to check the spread of virus and ensure that the staff members are protected from any infection. Maintain social distancing norms and avoid people getting too close to one another in the office premises by prioritizing health and safety. Re-evaluate physical space and amend workflows by deploying sensors and wearable devices.


We at Newlineinfo Corp put our employees first and care for their wellbeing. We have a robust action plan and are committed to provide all the support and assistance required by our workforce while returning back to work.

Low code/ No code Solution to Digital Transformation

Category: Business, Cyber Security, Digital Enpowerment

“Change is the voyage which needs to continually discover its own landscape, avoid potential pitfalls and enjoy unique scenes of digitalization.” – Pearl Zhu

The IT department is the nerve centre of daily operations in the digital world and businesses are heavily dependent on no code to fix issues faced on a day to day basis. This overt dependency and reliance on code results in delays in bug fixing, creating backlogs and piling up IT requests that could take an inordinate amount of time for resolution. Inorder to mitigate the challenges faced by code and enable digital agility businesses are embracing no code development platforms that promises to be a game changer in IT enterprise.

Despite rapidly increasing challenges in the digital space there is only limited source available to manage and troubleshoot IT issues faced by companies. Inorder to meet the high expectations of stakeholders and provide faster resolution businesses need to foster a culture of innovation by building applications at a rapid pace with the help of no code that would give them the competitive advantage for delivering value based product offerings and services.

A no code development platform helps new entrants, start-ups and non programmers to create application software through drag and drop visual elements for assembling applications. It allows business users without any technical background to develop software through drag and drop tools and integrate them with web services, cloud platforms and utilities for developing fully functional applications without any coding. Both developers and first time users can now leverage on the no code for process mapping, workflow automation and streamlining their business processes in an agile and efficient manner.

IT staff need to focus on new changes, development and bug fixes. No code platform allow users to create their own app and reduces the reliance on IT staff. IT staff can now spend their quality time focusing on critical issues that affect the front line and the clientele. This helps in reducing the waiting time and provides speedy resolution for key issues that demand programming expertise exacting immediate attention. Ni code helps in effective utilisation of resources through need-based allocation and deployment resulting in enhanced productivity and workforce optimization.

The consumerization of the IT industry has given rise to development of many applications resulting in potential threats and vulnerabilities in the landscape of cyber security. The burgeoning shadow IT has resulted in security gaps that possess a huge risk to data confidentiality and challenges related to cyber governance. The deployment of no code solutions would help the IT team to establish a robust compliance framework to monitor and mitigate the impact of shadow IT through digital empowerment.

The complexity of code poses big challenges for change management and remains to be a pain point in traditional coding. No code development has accelerated the velocity of change and is getting companies to rehash their change management process through inclusivity without any disruption. Thus helps in building a better collaboration between IT and business units by reducing the downtime and maintaining business continuity.

No code enables businesses to deliver scalable business solutions and superior customer service through experiential learning and development. Businesses can measure customer feedback and responses and cater to the dynamic needs of the customers by optimising their business processes and workflows. This would help in identifying bottlenecks and remove inefficiencies resulting in reduced operational costs and boosting revenue.


We at Newlineinfo Corp have an engaged team and are committed to delivering high end digital capabilities through seamless business solutions and service delivery.