Digital Transformation in Healthcare: Did the pandemic accelerate it?

Category: Business, HealthCare, Others

“Technology is not to be feared; it is only to be understood.” – Carolina Varela Rodríguez

Covid 19 continues to pose multiple challenges in the field of healthcare and the medical fraternity is struggling with the emerging trends in transforming healthcare through the digital revolution. Healthcare experts have come up with innovative ways of treating patients with the help of well-defined strategies that would deliver the much-needed succour and reinstate the confidence in people by allaying their fears. Let’s look at some of the state-of-the-art technologies that have pioneered a paradigm shift in the areas of healthcare and medicine.


Telehealth is a game changer, that enables active monitoring of patients by monitoring their medical condition remotely and prescribing medicines based on the evaluation carried out. Remote diagnosis & monitoring of health conditions of patients helps in improving clinical workflows & medical practice efficiency through effective patient engagement with easier accessibility. Examples of Telehealth include monitoring of vitals, blood pressure, ECG of patients and treating them remotely with the help of medicines. Continuous monitoring of health conditions with the help of digital monitoring through mobiles, computers helps in identifying any changes in critical health parameters and provides the necessary treatment and clinical support through digital imaging and telecare. Digital enablement has made healthcare more accessible and patients can get the required medical advice at ease with enhanced healthcare experience through synchronous care and otherwise.

Digital Clinical Workspaces

Digital Clinical Workspaces have made pathbreaking changes in the delivery of healthcare. This technology in healthcare helps in providing advanced and personalised care with better efficiency and turn around time. Digital workspace helps in creating a robust electronic health record about patient medical history along with their personal information. The mobility solution helps in streamlining the longer clinical workflows and helps in spending quality time with the patients that reduces the risk of readmission. Anytime, anywhere access to patients track record and medical history helps in providing seamless healthcare solutions with clinical precision. This also provides the impetus to embrace new digital technologies in the healthcare space.

Medical Chatbots

In order to sensitise and expedite healthcare processes during pandemic, Medical Chatbots have been introduced. Medical Chatbots are powered by Artificial intelligence that helps the patients in connecting with the insurance companies and healthcare providers. It also helps in resolution of queries and concerns raised by the patients by making the relevant healthcare information available to all the stakeholders concerned. Such health bots also provide real time assistance on diagnosis of symptoms and recommended treatments with therapeutic information. This also helps in quicker information sharing and accelerates the pace of decision making during a pandemic.

Data Analytical Capability

Healthcare companies need to upscale their data analytical capability in order to be future ready, in the event of any unforeseen, pandemic. Analysis of large volumes of medical data could provide pathbreaking details into identifying any patterns relating to pandemics and endemics that can offer predictive insights about tracing of contacts, medical readiness and outcomes. Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning techniques need to be imbibed for faster and accurate diagnosis of diseases and providing immediate assistance in the areas of pharmaceutical initiation, medical research and development of medicinal treatments for the control of outbreak.


We at Newlineinfo are committed to the wellbeing of our staff and continuously strive to provide the health care support and medical assistance required for tiding over this crisis situation with minimal impact to all our stakeholders.