Ways to Improve Virtual Methods of Working and Adapt to the New Normal

Category: IT staffing and consulting, Leadership, Management

“Giving employees great autonomy and flexibility allows people to feel independent and empowered while still feeling like a part of something bigger. This leads to happy, loyal employees with a rich quality of life, which in turn leads to an amazing culture.” ― Larry English

The unrelenting pandemic has ushered in new ways of working, capable of delivering far reaching benefits in the future in order to tide over this crisis and move towards flexible working models to remain competitive in the digital landscape. In this process, it’s not uncommon to find that the employees get fatigued due to digital overdose resulting in feeling of isolation and negativity. Let’s look at some of the ways by which zoom fatigue can be remediated with the help of virtual collaboration. 

New techniques like webinars, podcasts, video conferencing have shrunk the geographical boundaries through digital enablement. Businesses need to revisit their recruitment strategy and leverage on candidate skills irrespective of their work location. Brainstorming with people from different cultures and backgrounds can churn out creative ideas promoting inclusive growth and resulting in enhanced productivity. Employees would feel more emotionally connected when they feel that their voice is heard and realise that the organisation is inclined towards addressing the challenges that they face. Reimagining the workspace would help in creating multiple communication channels that would help in understanding the concerns of staff and taking quick actions to address them appropriately. 

Investing in the well being of staff would remain critical in times of uncertainty. Companies need to focus on people engagement initiatives and demonstrate care and commitment towards their staff. Managers need to reinforce a spirit of togetherness and a sense of belonging amongst their team members. Conducting wellness programs through video conferencing, having informal chats, water cooler conversations would create positive vibes for good physical and mental health. Having regular one to one sessions with staff helps in establishing a personal connect with staff for providing constructive feedback for growth and development. It would also help in providing reassurance and defenestrate any unfounded fears regarding job loss and career. 


Carrying out well being surveys would help in knowing the pulse of team and employee experience. Deploying crowdsourcing tools would help in getting valuable insights relating to employee exhaustion. This would help in addressing the issues faced by larger sections of the organisation and take dedicated efforts to alleviate employee pain points. Companies need to use this cautiously to be wary of any unconscious bias that would impact effective decision making. Given that the work environment is constantly evolving, leaders need to be agile in handling change and find ways to adapt to the dynamic needs of the future. Virtual working and collaboration helps businesses to become more adaptable and resilient in the event of business disruption due to uncertainty. We at Newlineinfo Corp have an engaged team willing to go the extra mile in meeting customer expectations through state of the art technologies and digital innovation. 

Customer Experience: Trends to Watch for in 2021

Category: Artificial Intelligence, Business, IT staffing and consulting

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.” – Warren Buffett

Businesses continue to vie with each other in the competitive market place through emerging trends to delight their customers and increase their profitability. Let’s look at some of these new trends that can create a lasting impact in terms of customer loyalty by optimising customer experience. 

Assess Customer needs

Business leaders need to assess  the customer profiles and redefine them based on the customer needs and expectations. Deployment of design thinking and data driven analytics helps in pre-empting customer demands resulting in innovation of new products. The prototype created by quantitative research and ethnographic studies can be used to identify customer trends and patterns that help in building robust business cases for determining the most treasured customer experience. Digital transformation in business strategy helps in developing a road map for leveraging the capabilities of digital technologies like AI and responding proactively to the dynamic needs and requirements of customers. 

Companies are constantly reinventing themselves for speeding up their plans to deliver superior product offerings and becoming more digitally accomplished by revving up the prioritized experiences. C level leaders need to focus on valuable insights and feedback provided by agents, customer service teams to develop a robust customer experience strategy for customer retention and growth. The think tank needs to review their ROI on a regular basis based on customer insights with a sustained focus on building trust and revenue generation. 

Adopt Omnichannel Startegy

Stepping up omnichannel strategy will result in deepening the customer connection across multiple channels and helps in understanding the choices and customer behaviour. Engaging the customers through web, voice, e-mail channels would help in staying seamlessly connected across the customer journey and having personalised interactions with them at every touch point. This provides a sustainable advantage by streamlining customer services for building long term customer relationships. Resolution of customer queries based on priority would help in eliminating the pain points resulting in better customer satisfaction scores. Reimagining customer experience helps in transforming customer interactions into personalised experience resulting in heightened brand loyalty and advocacy. 

Customer choices and preferences

Businesses need to focus on predictive analytics for maintaining a competitive edge and customer retention. It also helps in understanding the potential threats and flight risks by identifying the key factors leading to churn. Customer choices and preferences can be understood based on product feedback and products can be tailored to suit the customer interest. Predictive analysis also helps in managing the operations better by deploying the right amount of resources for handling customer traffic based on volume teen. The usage of integrated data lakes and customer data platforms helps in identifying customer interventions and provide enhanced end customer experience. 


Employees need to be provided proper training for handling customer interactions effectively and be passionate about serving their clientele.  Empowering the employees and rewarding them for positive outcomes will go a long way in boosting their morale that keeps them motivated for developing customer centric vision and delivering customer excellence. 


We at Newlineinfo Corp have a customer centric team committed to providing top notch services to our customers through digital transformation and innovation. 

Changing Business Dynamics in IT Staffing and Consulting during COVID

Category: IT staffing and consulting

“Time spent on hiring, is time well spent.” – Robert Half

The IT staffing and consulting industry is not immune to COVID 19 situation and has been badly hit by this pandemic.

The employers are looking at different hiring patterns that would enable them to rethink their current talent management strategy and look at new ways of hiring and retaining talent.

With social distancing becoming a new normal, in-person meetings have become the thing of the past and the job interviews are being conducted remotely by phone or video conferencing methods.

Due to dwindling interpersonal connect, HR companies are embracing the digital landscape through teleconferencing, webinars and podcast channels to stay digitally connected with their employees during the on-boarding process.

Companies are looking for people who demonstrate the ability to learn quickly and keep pace with the digital transformation for long term sustainability.

In order to be future ready companies need to adapt themselves with cutting edge technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, Robotic Process Automation and reassess their workflows for identifying possible automation opportunities. This would require the new age workforce to up-skill themselves with emerging technologies & be digitally savvy.

The imbalance created by COVID 19 in the staffing ecosystem can be handled effectively through cross functional skilling due to shifting workforce demands.


We at Newlineinfo understand the changing business dynamics and are committed to providing effective staffing solutions by leveraging on the emerging opportunities that enable business drivers for the future.