Remote Work Cyber Security Risks

Category: Business, Cyber Security, Digital Enpowerment, Organisation

“Cybersecurity is a new area where equality will exist to allow intelligence to succeed.” – Ian R. McAndrew

Businesses have adopted new ways of working in the current pandemic situation and remote working has become the order of the day. The digital workforce needs to be wary of the cyber security risks associated with remote working and companies need to equip their staff with adequate knowledge and skills required to safeguard themselves from data leakage and other vulnerabilities. Let’s look at some of the key risks involved in remote working which needs to be remediated with due diligence and caution. 

Phishing attacks and spams continue to be a major threat in remote working. Fraudsters masquerade themselves as reliable entities and gain access to sensitive data and critical information. This can result in severe reputational and financial losses to the staff and the organization. The leadership team needs to ensure that multiple training sessions are conducted to enhance the knowledge levels of staff on social engineering and its impact. Everyone needs to understand the implications of phishing threats and learn to identify any potential phishing emails and malicious activities. Newsletters and broadcast messages can be shared on a regular basis to sensitise the staff about their downside risk. 

Despite strong firewalls and secure VPN connection, hackers leverage human error and negligence to gain access over systems for stealing sensitive data and information. Repeat passwords used by remote working staff can provide easy access to fraudsters who try to capture the information at keystroke level through keyloggers, screen scrapers and ransomware. This paves the way for cracking the code and opens the floodgate for misuse of personal and company information. Use of passphrases, avoiding usage of personal information in password and repeat passwords would help in data loss prevention for oneself and the business. Staff must be made fully aware of the password protection, code of conduct policy and ensure everyone abides by the laid down guidelines without any deviations. 

Data threat via phone and email is another sensitive area that needs to be addressed. Staff need to follow compliance standards to ensure that client data shared internally and externally are properly encrypted by following the established security protocols. This would help ensure confidentiality by safeguarding client information and keeping cyber interceptions at bay. Contact list, e-mail attachments, voice mail information needs to be protected with the help of encryption platforms. Secured file sharing software can be used for file synchronisation that provides enhanced authentication through secure socket layers. 


Businesses can reduce the risk of cyber security threats by adapting themselves to Desktop-as-a-service. This would allow employees to connect to the company network with their personal devices and virtual desktops remotely over the network and access all the files through their workstations. This would mitigate the risk of data threats. Thanks to the virtualisation that is centralised on the premises rather than end point devices. The IT security team can also look at disabling access to USB and printers as part of their surveillance and access control measures. We at Newlineinfo Corp have a strong and well defined cybersecurity framework that aims at protecting the client’s sensitive information from any external threats and vulnerabilities. 

Low code/ No code Solution to Digital Transformation

Category: Business, Cyber Security, Digital Enpowerment

“Change is the voyage which needs to continually discover its own landscape, avoid potential pitfalls and enjoy unique scenes of digitalization.” – Pearl Zhu

The IT department is the nerve centre of daily operations in the digital world and businesses are heavily dependent on no code to fix issues faced on a day to day basis. This overt dependency and reliance on code results in delays in bug fixing, creating backlogs and piling up IT requests that could take an inordinate amount of time for resolution. Inorder to mitigate the challenges faced by code and enable digital agility businesses are embracing no code development platforms that promises to be a game changer in IT enterprise.

Despite rapidly increasing challenges in the digital space there is only limited source available to manage and troubleshoot IT issues faced by companies. Inorder to meet the high expectations of stakeholders and provide faster resolution businesses need to foster a culture of innovation by building applications at a rapid pace with the help of no code that would give them the competitive advantage for delivering value based product offerings and services.

A no code development platform helps new entrants, start-ups and non programmers to create application software through drag and drop visual elements for assembling applications. It allows business users without any technical background to develop software through drag and drop tools and integrate them with web services, cloud platforms and utilities for developing fully functional applications without any coding. Both developers and first time users can now leverage on the no code for process mapping, workflow automation and streamlining their business processes in an agile and efficient manner.

IT staff need to focus on new changes, development and bug fixes. No code platform allow users to create their own app and reduces the reliance on IT staff. IT staff can now spend their quality time focusing on critical issues that affect the front line and the clientele. This helps in reducing the waiting time and provides speedy resolution for key issues that demand programming expertise exacting immediate attention. Ni code helps in effective utilisation of resources through need-based allocation and deployment resulting in enhanced productivity and workforce optimization.

The consumerization of the IT industry has given rise to development of many applications resulting in potential threats and vulnerabilities in the landscape of cyber security. The burgeoning shadow IT has resulted in security gaps that possess a huge risk to data confidentiality and challenges related to cyber governance. The deployment of no code solutions would help the IT team to establish a robust compliance framework to monitor and mitigate the impact of shadow IT through digital empowerment.

The complexity of code poses big challenges for change management and remains to be a pain point in traditional coding. No code development has accelerated the velocity of change and is getting companies to rehash their change management process through inclusivity without any disruption. Thus helps in building a better collaboration between IT and business units by reducing the downtime and maintaining business continuity.

No code enables businesses to deliver scalable business solutions and superior customer service through experiential learning and development. Businesses can measure customer feedback and responses and cater to the dynamic needs of the customers by optimising their business processes and workflows. This would help in identifying bottlenecks and remove inefficiencies resulting in reduced operational costs and boosting revenue.


We at Newlineinfo Corp have an engaged team and are committed to delivering high end digital capabilities through seamless business solutions and service delivery.